EFT Supervision
My purpose for supervision is to support you in your EFT clinical practice towards ethical, safe and effective counselling therapy with your clients, and to help extend and build on your knowledge and skills as a therapist, while also developing and practising your self-care.
I endeavour to create a positive working relationship with you to help you grow and develop as a professional counsellor and EFT therapist.
My supervision relationships are founded on mutual trust, understanding and respect, and I aim to help you achieve your goals with positive and critical feedback, encourage new ways of looking at 'stuck' situations in your work and help you keep good personal boundaries with clients.
If required I will also assist you in gaining membership (NZAC, NZCCA), post-graduate learning and the EFT certification process.
I can work with you in supervision face to face or on Zoom.
If you would like to start supervision with me, I am looking forward to you contacting me.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller